Carlton International Welcomes Philippe Nianluan Sun to the Team


1661465655COTE D'AZUR, FRANCE - The Carlton International Team is expanding - Welcome to the team, Philippe Nianluan Sun! 

"The key to good service is in the details"

Born and raised in Mainland China, Philippe has travelled to several European countries since 2008. The experience of studying hotel management in Switzerland and MBA degree in France make him professional and reliable. Philippe is fluent in French, English and Chinese which are great tools for his career background in the tourism industry of the Côte d'Azur region, providing services to various international celebrities and enterprises. His enthusiastic, affable and deep love for French Riviera helps our clients in their real estate projects.1661465781

Philippe is one of over 40 dedicated consultants within the Carlton Group network who are experts in representing the rental, sale and acquisition of high-end real estate in our highly desirable region of the Cote d'Azur. Thanks to Philippe we can now boast that our dynamic team collectively speak over 16 languages and is serving clients from every corner of the globe.

About Carlton International 

The Carlton Group is a diverse yet converging group of brands with specific specialities in the realms of luxury real estate. Carlton Group has over 40 years of expertise in property development, Real Estate Marketing,high-value sales, luxury international villa rental, Property Management & renovation and Brokers in Hotel sales and acquisition.

Our international clientele has access to exceptional services and the wealth of knowledge and expertise provided by our team of multilingualconsultants.

The founder of the Carlton Group has over 40 years of experience in luxury real estate on the French Riviera and has brought together a multi-nationalcollective of professional experts that speak 16 languages.