Resources Real Estate Launches New Brand


1351186464Rumson, NJ - The Lion is on the Prowl. At least so it appears in one local company’s new look. Resources Real Estate has debuted a new brand identity – featuring a lion’s head in the logo – to better communicate the values and message of the company.

“This new brand more clearly represents what Resources Real Estate has become,” said Carolynn Ozar Diakon, senior partner and founder of the company. “We are the premier independent residential real estate brokerage in Monmouth County. Fiercely independent, confident and strong.”

Continuing a successful thirteen-year history, the past year has been a period of rapid growth as the company doubled its sales. The sales boost was in part a result of opening its Monmouth Beach branch office, the company’s second location in addition to its flagship office in Rumson. Resources has also greatly expanded its agent roster this past year with both new and veteran sales professionals.

“We’re planning further expansion so it seemed logical to develop and fine-tune the company’s identity now,” said ThomasMcCormack, managing partner. “Having a clear message and updated look will help us achieve that new growth.”

Working with New York and Red Bank-based advertising agency Filter, the company’s revamped identity begins with a redesigned logo. Featuring a crowned lion’s head amid two opposing “R’s”, the new logo draws on the legacy of the company’s original logo while evoking a more sophisticated and established market presence.

“The result is regal in feel,” said Diakon. “It’s grounded and solid.” The new logo is prominently featured on all of the company’s newly manufactured property signs, in all advertising and in marketing and collateral materials.

In addition, the company has rolled out two new ad campaigns encompassing both brand identity and property inventory marketing, each developed by Filter Advertising.

“The brand ads are designed to both introduce the new logo and communicate the spirit of the company,” said McCormack. “We’re professional but not stuffy.”

“The property ads take a more simplified approach to real estate advertising and use little, if any, actual verbiage,” said Diakon, “Instead they use icons to convey basic information like the number of bedrooms and baths. It’s a streamlined look that is in stark contrast from what other companies are doing. I am really excited about the new ad layout.”

The ad campaigns have already been launched in many local publications including the Journals (Two River, Holmdel and Colts Neck editions), Two River Times, and The Link, and American Lifestyle magazine, as well as many ad publications for non-profits such as Holiday Express, Monmouth Conservation, Two River Antique Show, Lunch Break and more. The ads are also prominently featured on billboards at the Seastreak Ferry Terminal in Highlands to draw the attention of the NYC commuter audience and on Facebook.

“The logo, the campaigns, the agent images, all of this is helping to re-shape the public’s perception of Resources Real Estate,” said Diakon. “We view ‘local’ and ‘independent’ as two very strong aspects of who we are as a company and the branding reflects that.”

“We believe that because real estate is driven by local market factors, a national corporate entity cannot sufficiently address local needs -- their focus, by definition, is national,” said McCormack. “As a true independent, Resources is not subject to a corporate parent or franchise allowing us to adapt more quickly to local market conditions.”

“Because the Internet has created global opportunities for local companies, out-of-state and even out-of-country buyers can be better served by a local agency,” added Diakon. “The local company that knows the true pulse of the area is positioned to provide the best representation for its clients.”

“We are proud of our global reach and the clients that we serve, said McCormack. “And we are confident that we understand what it takes to be successful in this market. We know what has to get done and we do it.”

“It’s like a lion, really,” added Diakon pointing to the new company logo. “No one tells a lion what to do.”

Resources Real Estate is a full service independent residential brokerage opened by Diakon in 2000. McCormack, with the company since 2002, joined her as a partner in 2010. Resources Real Estate is located at 112 East River Road in Rumson, NJ, and at 36 Beach Road in Monmouth Beach, NJ. For more local real estate information or to inquire about a career in real estate, you can call 732-212-0440 or visit