Resources Real Estate is ROARing


1347472499What do you call an internet resource system that keeps all the transaction files, marketing and showing feedback all in one place? “At Resources, we fondly call it ROAR, which stands for: Resources, Order, and Reference. We picked that name out of several suggestions from the agents, but we liked it because of the reference to our lion logo!” stated Carolynn Ozar-Diakon.

Resources is continually known as a leader in cutting-edge marketing and technology. Certainly now with the launch of ROAR’s new online client resource center. This transparent file is available for the client to see 24/7 and takes any potential mystery out of the marketing efforts. ROAR updates the client in sales, marketing, technology, real estate current comps, showings and showing feedback; company news, and market trends. Everything and anything pertaining to the file from start to finish is posted in the file for clients to see. From copies of advertising, to website advertising information, updated market analysis to the contract and inspection documents for a purchase.

1343328245It was a natural progression from our ongoing position that an educated client is a smarter client. We strongly believe that part of our responsibility is to keep the client updated, and with today's technology it became a smarter way still to open up our client files directly to the client on the internet. Obviously password protected for privacy, not only is the information posted every time the file is updated in any way. Once it is entered, the system automatically contacts the client to let them know.

Our clients love it. We already had a great reputation for our integrity and this just takes it a step further. We make it easy and transparent for our clients - even before the system which we tested extensively, our clients never had to wonder what was going on, but now they get an entire overview anytime they want.

Carolynn Ozar-Diakon opened Resources Real Estate, a full service real estate company in 2000. Thomas McCormack, with the company since 2002, joined her as a partner in 2010. Resources Real Estate is located at 112 East River Road in Rumson, NJ, and at 36 Beach Road in Monmouth Beach, NJ. For more local real estate information or to inquire about a career in real estate, you can call 732-212-0440 or visit